

Top 30+ Latest Pyspark Interview Questions for Freshers of 2023

Pyspark Interview Questions for Freshers

Pyspark Interview Questions for Freshers

1. What is PySpark?

PySpark is a Python library that allows users to interact with Apache Spark, an open-source big data processing framework that provides fast and scalable data processing. PySpark enables users to write Spark applications using Python, a popular programming language known for its simplicity and ease of use. PySpark provides a Python API that allows users to access Spark’s distributed processing capabilities, enabling them to perform data analysis, machine learning, and other data processing tasks on large datasets.

PySpark provides a high-level API for parallel data processing using Spark’s distributed computing engine. With PySpark, users can perform data transformations and aggregations, and build machine learning models using familiar Python syntax. PySpark is particularly useful for processing large datasets that are too big to fit into memory on a single machine. It provides a fast and efficient way to process these datasets by distributing the workload across a cluster of machines.

PySpark is widely used in industries such as finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and more. It has become a popular choice for big data processing due to its ease of use, scalability, and performance.

PySpark can be installed using PyPi by using the command:

pip install pyspark

2. What are the characteristics of PySpark?

Some of the key characteristics of PySpark are

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  1. Distributed Computing: PySpark is built on top of Apache Spark, which is a distributed computing framework. PySpark enables users to write Spark applications in Python, which can be executed on a cluster of computers, enabling distributed computing.
  2. Pythonic: PySpark is a Python library, which makes it easy for developers to write code in a language they are already familiar with. This allows developers to use Python’s rich libraries and tools for data analysis, machine learning, and other data processing tasks.
  3. Scalable: PySpark is designed to be highly scalable, enabling it to handle large datasets and complex data processing tasks. It can distribute workloads across a cluster of machines, enabling parallel processing, and faster data processing.
  4. High Performance: PySpark is designed to be highly performant, enabling it to handle large datasets and complex data processing tasks efficiently. PySpark achieves this by leveraging Spark’s distributed computing engine, which can efficiently process data across a cluster of machines.
  5. Fault Tolerant: PySpark is designed to be fault-tolerant, which means that it can recover from failures in the underlying infrastructure. If a node in the cluster fails, PySpark can redistribute the workloads to other nodes, ensuring that the processing continues uninterrupted.
  6. Versatile: PySpark provides a wide range of APIs and libraries for data processing, machine learning, and other tasks. It supports a variety of data sources, including Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), Apache Cassandra, and Amazon S3, enabling users to work with diverse data sources.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of PySpark?

Advantages of PySpark:

  1. Scalability: PySpark is designed to scale efficiently to handle large datasets, making it an ideal tool for big data processing.
  2. Speed: PySpark leverages distributed computing to process data, making it faster than traditional single-machine processing.
  3. Pythonic: PySpark is written in Python, which is a popular language for data analysis and machine learning. This makes it easy for data scientists and analysts to work with PySpark.
  4. Versatility: PySpark can handle a variety of data sources, including structured and unstructured data, making it a versatile tool for data processing.
  5. Ease of use: PySpark is easy to use, and its APIs are intuitive and well-documented, making it easier for developers to write code and data analysts to perform data analysis tasks.
  6. Fault tolerance: PySpark can recover from failures in the underlying infrastructure, making it a reliable tool for data processing.

Disadvantages of PySpark:

  1. Complexity: PySpark can be complex to set up and configure, especially for users who are not familiar with distributed computing.
  2. Memory management: PySpark requires a lot of memory to process large datasets, which can be a challenge for users with limited memory resources.
  3. Overhead: PySpark has some overhead associated with managing distributed computing resources, which can slow down processing times for smaller datasets.
  4. Learning curve: PySpark has a steeper learning curve compared to other data processing tools, which can make it challenging for beginners to get started.
  5. Debugging: Debugging distributed computing applications can be challenging, and PySpark is no exception. Finding and fixing errors in PySpark applications can be time-consuming and complex.

4. What is PySpark SparkContext?

PySpark SparkContext is the entry point to the Apache Spark cluster for PySpark applications. It is the main interface for creating RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets) and communicating with the cluster.

The SparkContext represents the connection to the Spark cluster and is used to configure Spark and create RDDs, which are the fundamental data structures in Spark. The SparkContext is typically created at the beginning of a PySpark application and remains active throughout the life of the application.

The SparkContext is responsible for managing the resources of the Spark cluster, including memory, CPU, and network resources. It also manages the execution of tasks on the cluster and coordinates the distribution of data and computation across the cluster.

To create a SparkContext in PySpark, you typically import the SparkContext class from the pyspark module and then create a new instance of the SparkContext class with the required configuration parameters, such as the master URL of the Spark cluster.

Here’s an example of how to create a SparkContext in PySpark:

from pyspark import SparkContextsc = SparkContext("local", "PySpark App")

In this example, the SparkContext is created with the master URL set to “local” (which means that the Spark cluster is running locally on the same machine as the PySpark application) and the application name set to “PySpark App”.

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5. Why do we use PySpark SparkFiles?

PySpark SparkFiles is a utility class provided by PySpark to manage distributed files in a Spark cluster. It enables PySpark applications to distribute files to worker nodes in the Spark cluster, so that they can be used by the application during processing.

There are several reasons why you might want to use PySpark SparkFiles:

  1. Dependency management: If your PySpark application depends on external libraries or resources, you can use SparkFiles to distribute these dependencies to the worker nodes in the cluster. This makes it easy to manage dependencies and ensures that your application can run reliably in a distributed environment.
  2. Data distribution: If your PySpark application needs to process large data files, you can use SparkFiles to distribute these files to the worker nodes in the cluster. This can help to reduce the amount of data that needs to be transferred across the network, which can improve performance.
  3. Configuration management: If your PySpark application needs to read configuration files or other resources, you can use SparkFiles to distribute these files to the worker nodes in the cluster. This makes it easy to manage configuration files and ensures that your application can run consistently across the cluster.

To use SparkFiles in a PySpark application, you typically import the SparkFiles class from the pyspark module, and then use the addFile method to distribute a file to the worker nodes. Once the file is distributed, you can access it in your PySpark application using the SparkFiles.get method.

Here’s an example of how to use SparkFiles in PySpark:

from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkFiles

sc = SparkContext(appName="PySpark App")

# distribute a file to the worker nodes

# use the distributed file in your PySpark application
myfile = SparkFiles.get("myfile.txt

In this example, we first create a SparkContext, and then use the addFile method to distribute the file “path/to/myfile.txt” to the worker nodes. We then use the SparkFiles.get method to access the distributed file in our PySpark application.

6. What are PySpark serializers?

PySpark serializers are tools that allow PySpark to serialize and deserialize data between the driver program and the worker nodes in the Spark cluster. Serialization is the process of converting data structures into a format that can be transmitted over a network or stored in a file, and deserialization is the reverse process of converting the serialized data back into its original format.

PySpark provides two main serializers:

  1. Pickle Serializer: It is the default serializer in PySpark and is based on Python’s built-in pickle module. This serializer is used to serialize Python objects into a byte stream that can be transmitted over the network.
  2. Pyrolite Serializer: It is a faster serializer that uses Pyrolite to serialize and deserialize data between the driver program and the worker nodes in the Spark cluster. Pyrolite is a Java library that provides seamless integration between Python and Java.

Serialization is an important aspect of PySpark, as it allows data to be efficiently transmitted over the network and processed on the worker nodes in the cluster. However, serialization can also introduce overhead and can impact the performance of a PySpark application. Therefore, it’s important to choose the right serializer based on the requirements of your application.

You can configure the serializer to be used in your PySpark application by setting the spark.serializer configuration property. For example, to use the Pyrolite serializer, you can set the spark.serializer property to org.apache.spark.serializer.PyroliteSerializer:

from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf

conf = SparkConf().setAppName("PySpark App").setMaster("local[*]").set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.PyroliteSerializer")
sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)

In this example, we create a SparkConf object and set the spark.serializer property to org.apache.spark.serializer.PyroliteSerializer. We then create a SparkContext object with this configuration.

7. What are RDDs in PySpark?

RDD (Resilient Distributed Dataset) is a fundamental data structure in PySpark that represents an immutable distributed collection of objects. RDDs allow PySpark to distribute data across a cluster of machines and perform parallel operations on that data.

RDDs can be created in several ways, such as by parallelizing an existing collection in the driver program, loading data from an external storage system like Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) or Amazon S3, or by transforming an existing RDD using a transformation operation like map, filter, flatMap, union, and more.

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RDDs have two types of operations:

Transformation operations:

These are operations that create a new RDD from an existing one. Transformation operations are lazily evaluated, which means that they don’t execute immediately when called, but rather they form a lineage of operations that will be executed later when an action is called. Examples of transformation operations include map, filter, flatMap, union, and more.

here’s an example of some transformation operations in PySpark:

Suppose we have an RDD containing a list of numbers and we want to perform the following operations on it:

  1. Filter out all even numbers
  2. Multiply each remaining number by 2

We can achieve this using the following code:

from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf

conf = SparkConf().setAppName("PySpark App").setMaster("local[*]")
sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)

# create an RDD containing a list of numbers
numbers = sc.parallelize([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])

# filter out all even numbers
filtered_numbers = numbers.filter(lambda x: x % 2 != 0)

# multiply each remaining number by 2
transformed_numbers = x: x * 2)

# print the final resultprint(transformed_numbers.collec

In this code, we first create an RDD called numbers containing a list of numbers. We then use the filter transformation operation to filter out all even numbers from the RDD. The filter operation takes a lambda function as an argument that returns True or False based on whether or not the element should be kept.

Next, we use the map transformation operation to multiply each remaining number by 2. The map operation also takes a lambda function as an argument that transforms each element in the RDD.

Finally, we call the collect action operation to retrieve the final result as a list. The collect operation triggers the evaluation of the RDD and returns the result to the driver program.

Action operations:

These are operations that trigger the evaluation of RDDs and return a result to the driver program or write data to an external storage system. Action operations are eagerly evaluated, which means that they execute immediately when called. Examples of action operations include reduce, collect, count, take, saveAsTextFile, and more.

here’s an example of some action operations in PySpark:

Suppose we have an RDD containing a list of numbers and we want to perform the following operations on it:

  1. Filter out all even numbers
  2. Multiply each remaining number by 2
  3. Sum the resulting numbers

We can achieve this using the following code:

from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf

conf = SparkConf().setAppName("PySpark App").setMaster("local[*]")
sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)

# create an RDD containing a list of numbers
numbers = sc.parallelize([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])

# filter out all even numbers
filtered_numbers = numbers.filter(lambda x: x % 2 != 0)

# multiply each remaining number by 2
transformed_numbers = x: x * 2)

# sum the resulting numbers
result = transformed_numbers.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y)

# print the final resultprint(re

In this code, we first create an RDD called numbers containing a list of numbers. We then use the filter transformation operation to filter out all even numbers from the RDD. The filter operation takes a lambda function as an argument that returns True or False based on whether or not the element should be kept.

Next, we use the map transformation operation to multiply each remaining number by 2. The map operation also takes a lambda function as an argument that transforms each element in the RDD.

Finally, we use the reduce action operation to sum the resulting numbers. The reduce operation takes a lambda function as an argument that specifies how to combine two elements in the RDD. In this case, we use a lambda function that simply adds the two elements together.

We then print the final result, which is the sum of the transformed numbers. The reduce operation triggers the evaluation of the RDD and returns the final result to the driver program.

8. Does PySpark provide a machine learning API?

Yes, PySpark provides a machine learning API called MLlib (Machine Learning Library). MLlib is a distributed machine learning library that is built on top of Spark’s core RDD (Resilient Distributed Datasets) data structure.

MLlib provides a wide range of machine learning algorithms for classification, regression, clustering, and collaborative filtering, as well as utilities for feature extraction, transformation, and selection. Some of the algorithms included in MLlib are:

  • Linear regression
  • Logistic regression
  • Decision trees
  • Random forests
  • Gradient-boosted trees
  • K-means clustering
  • Principal component analysis (PCA)
  • Singular value decomposition (SVD)
  • Alternating least squares (ALS) for collaborative filtering

MLlib is designed to scale to large datasets and can handle data stored in various formats, such as Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), Apache Cassandra, and Apache HBase. MLlib also supports various data types, including sparse and dense vectors and matrices.

Overall, MLlib is a powerful machine learning library that allows you to perform distributed machine learning tasks at scale using PySpark.

9. What are the different cluster manager types supported by PySpark?

PySpark supports several cluster managers for deploying Spark applications on a cluster. The cluster manager is responsible for managing the resources (such as memory and CPU) on the cluster and scheduling tasks to run on the available worker nodes. Some of the cluster manager types supported by PySpark are:

  1. Standalone: This is the default cluster manager that comes with Spark. It allows you to deploy Spark applications on a cluster of machines running Spark in standalone mode.
  2. Apache Mesos: Apache Mesos is a distributed systems kernel that abstracts CPU, memory, storage, and other resources away from machines (physical or virtual), enabling fault-tolerant and elastic distributed systems to easily be built and run effectively.
  3. Hadoop YARN: Hadoop YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator) is the cluster manager used by Hadoop. It allows you to deploy Spark applications on a Hadoop cluster and share resources with other applications running on the cluster.
  4. Kubernetes: Kubernetes is a popular container orchestration platform that can be used to deploy and manage Spark applications in containers. Spark can be deployed on Kubernetes using the Kubernetes scheduler backend.
  5. local: This is simply a mode for running Spark applications on laptops/desktops.

These cluster managers provide different features and capabilities, and the choice of cluster manager depends on the specific requirements of your Spark application and your underlying infrastructure.

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The above figure shows the position of cluster manager in the Spark ecosystem. Consider a master node and multiple worker nodes present in the cluster. The master nodes provide the worker nodes with the resources like memory, processor allocation etc depending on the nodes requirements with the help of the cluster manager.

10. What are the advantages of PySpark RDD?

PySpark RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets) have several advantages, some of which are:

  1. Fault-tolerance: RDDs are fault-tolerant, which means that if a node in the cluster fails, the RDD can be reconstructed using data from other nodes in the cluster. This makes RDDs reliable and suitable for handling large-scale data processing tasks.
  2. In-Memory processing: RDDs are designed for in-memory processing, which means that they can be cached in memory for faster access. This allows for faster processing and reduced disk I/O, which is particularly beneficial for iterative algorithms.
  3. Immutable: RDDs are immutable, which means that once they are created, they cannot be modified. This makes RDDs easy to reason about and allows for safer parallel processing without the need for locks or other synchronization mechanisms.
  4. Lazy Evaluation: RDDs support lazy evaluation, which means that transformations on RDDs are not executed immediately but are instead recorded and executed when an action is performed. This allows for efficient pipelining of transformations and reduces the overhead of data serialization and network communication.
  5. Distributed computing: RDDs are designed for distributed computing and can be partitioned across multiple nodes in a cluster. This allows for parallel processing of data and can significantly speed up processing times for large-scale data processing tasks.

Overall, PySpark RDDs provide a powerful abstraction for distributed data processing, with features such as fault-tolerance, in-memory processing, immutability, lazy evaluation, and distributed computing.

11. Is PySpark faster than pandas?

PySpark and pandas are both powerful tools for data processing and analysis, but they have different strengths and weaknesses.

Pandas is a popular Python library for data manipulation and analysis that is designed for working with data on a single machine. It is optimized for operations on small to medium-sized data sets that can fit into memory on a single machine. Pandas is very fast for operations that can be performed in-memory, such as data filtering, aggregation, and transformation.

PySpark, on the other hand, is a distributed computing framework that is designed for processing large-scale data sets across multiple machines in a cluster. PySpark can handle data sets that are too large to fit into memory on a single machine and can scale to handle petabytes of data. PySpark can be much faster than pandas for processing large-scale data sets because it can leverage the distributed computing capabilities of a cluster to perform parallel processing.

In general, PySpark can be faster than pandas for processing large-scale data sets, but pandas can be faster for smaller data sets that can fit into memory on a single machine. The choice between PySpark and pandas depends on the specific requirements of your data processing task, the size of your data set, and the available computing resources.

12. What do you understand about PySpark DataFrames?

PySpark DataFrames are a distributed collection of data organized into named columns, similar to a table in a relational database or a spreadsheet. They are a powerful abstraction in PySpark that allows for efficient processing of large-scale data sets.

DataFrames in PySpark are built on top of RDDs and provide a higher-level API for working with structured data. They are designed to be more efficient and easier to use than RDDs for processing structured data.

These can be created from different sources like Hive Tables, Structured Data Files, existing RDDs, external databases etc as shown in the image below:

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13. What is SparkSession in Pyspark?

SparkSession is the entry point to PySpark and is the replacement of SparkContext since PySpark version 2.0. This acts as a starting point to access all of the PySpark functionalities related to RDDs, DataFrame, Datasets etc. It is also a Unified API that is used in replacing the SQLContext, StreamingContext, HiveContext and all other contexts.

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The SparkSession internally creates SparkContext and SparkConfig based on the details provided in SparkSession. SparkSession can be created by making use of builder patterns.

14. What are the types of PySpark’s shared variables and why are they useful?

PySpark provides two types of shared variables, which are useful for efficient distributed computing:

  1. Broadcast variables: These are read-only variables that are cached on each worker node in the cluster. They are used to broadcast a large read-only value, such as a lookup table or machine learning model, to all worker nodes in the cluster. This avoids the need to transfer the same large data set multiple times across the network and can significantly reduce network traffic and improve performance.
  2. Accumulators: These are variables that are initialized on the driver node and can be updated by tasks running on worker nodes in the cluster. They are used to accumulate values across multiple tasks in a distributed computation. For example, an accumulator can be used to count the number of errors that occurred during a computation. Accumulators can be used for both numeric and non-numeric data types.

Broadcast variables and accumulators are useful for optimizing distributed computations in PySpark by minimizing network traffic and improving performance. They allow for efficient sharing of read-only data across the cluster and accumulation of data across multiple tasks.

15. What is PySpark UDF?

PySpark UDF (User-Defined Function) is a feature in PySpark that allows users to define their own custom functions that can be applied to PySpark DataFrames. UDFs are useful when users need to perform custom data transformations or calculations that are not provided by the built-in functions in PySpark.

To create a UDF in PySpark, users can define a function in Python that performs the desired computation, and then register the function as a UDF using the udf method of the PySpark functions module. The udf method takes the Python function as an argument and returns a PySpark UDF object, which can be applied to columns in a PySpark DataFrame using the withColumn method.

PySpark UDFs can be used to perform a wide range of computations on PySpark DataFrames, such as string manipulation, date/time calculations, and machine learning models. They can be used in conjunction with other PySpark built-in functions and SQL expressions to perform complex data transformations on large-scale data sets.

However, it is important to note that using UDFs can be slower than using PySpark built-in functions, as UDFs are executed row-by-row in Python, which can be slower than using PySpark’s optimized JVM-based execution engine. Therefore, UDFs should be used judiciously and only when necessary for custom data transformations.

16. What are the industrial benefits of PySpark?

PySpark is a powerful and flexible tool for large-scale data processing, and it offers a number of industrial benefits for organizations working with big data. Some of the key benefits of PySpark for industry include:

  1. Scalability: PySpark can handle large volumes of data and scale to accommodate growing datasets, making it ideal for organizations that need to process massive amounts of data quickly.
  2. Efficiency: PySpark is built on the Apache Spark framework, which is optimized for distributed computing. This means that PySpark can process data much faster than traditional data processing tools, making it more efficient for industrial applications.
  3. Flexibility: PySpark supports a variety of data sources and file formats, including Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), Apache Cassandra, and Amazon S3. This flexibility makes it easier for organizations to integrate PySpark into their existing data processing pipelines.
  4. Machine learning capabilities: PySpark includes built-in machine learning libraries such as MLib, which allows for easy implementation of machine learning algorithms on large datasets. This can help organizations to derive insights and make better data-driven decisions.
  5. Python-based: PySpark is built on Python, which is a popular and widely used programming language in industry. This makes it easier for data scientists and engineers to work with PySpark and integrate it into their existing workflows.

17. Explain PySpark.

PySpark is a Python-based library for distributed computing and data processing that is built on top of the Apache Spark framework. It provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for data processing and analysis on large-scale datasets. PySpark allows users to leverage the power of Spark’s distributed computing architecture to handle data processing tasks that would be difficult or impossible to perform on a single machine.

The core concept of PySpark is Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs), which are Spark’s fundamental data structure for processing and manipulating data in parallel across a distributed cluster of machines. RDDs are immutable and fault-tolerant, meaning that they can be easily cached in memory and recomputed on failure.

PySpark provides a Python API for working with RDDs and offers a wide range of data processing and analysis functions, including transformations (such as map, filter, and reduce), actions (such as count, collect, and save), and machine learning algorithms (via the MLib library). PySpark also supports data sources and file formats such as Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), Apache Cassandra, and Amazon S3, making it easier for users to work with different types of data.

PySpark is particularly useful for large-scale data processing and analysis in fields such as finance, healthcare, marketing, and social media, where data volumes can be massive and require distributed computing capabilities. With PySpark, users can leverage the power of distributed computing to process large datasets quickly and efficiently, enabling them to derive insights and make better data-driven decisions.

18. Tell me the differences between PySpark and other programming languages.

Here is a table highlighting some of the key differences between PySpark and other programming languages commonly used for data processing and analysis:

PurposeDistributed data processing and analysisGeneral-purpose programming languageStatistical computing and graphicsDatabase management and querying
FrameworkBuilt on top of Apache SparkN/AN/AN/A
PerformanceOptimized for distributed computingSingle-threaded, slower for large datasetsFast, but limited to single machineFast for querying structured data
ScalabilityCan handle massive datasets and scale horizontallyLimited by single machine capacityLimited by single machine capacityLimited by single machine capacity
Data SourcesSupports various data sources and file formatsRequires separate libraries or modules for different data sourcesSupports various data sources and file formatsPrimarily used for querying relational databases
Machine LearningBuilt-in machine learning libraries via MLibSupports various machine learning librariesSupports various machine learning librariesLimited machine learning capabilities
Ease of UseEasy-to-use API and Python-based syntaxEasy-to-use syntax and large ecosystem of librariesSyntax can be challenging for beginnersEasy-to-use syntax and declarative language
CommunityLarge and active community with extensive documentationLarge and active community with extensive documentationActive community with extensive documentationActive community with extensive documentation

Overall, PySpark is optimized for distributed data processing and analysis, making it well-suited for handling large datasets and scaling horizontally. Python, R, and SQL, on the other hand, are general-purpose programming languages and database management languages that are better suited for other types of tasks. Each language has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of language will depend on the specific needs of the project and the expertise of the team.

19. Why should we use PySpark?

There are several reasons why PySpark can be a powerful tool for data processing and analysis, including:

  1. Distributed computing: PySpark is built on top of the Apache Spark framework, which is designed for distributed computing. This means that it can process large datasets across multiple machines, making it faster and more efficient than traditional data processing tools.
  2. Scalability: PySpark can scale horizontally to handle massive datasets, which is especially important for organizations dealing with big data. It can also be integrated with Hadoop and other big data technologies for even greater scalability.
  3. Machine learning capabilities: PySpark includes built-in machine learning libraries such as MLib, which makes it easier to implement machine learning algorithms on large datasets. This can help organizations derive insights and make better data-driven decisions.
  4. Flexibility: PySpark supports a wide variety of data sources and file formats, including Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), Apache Cassandra, and Amazon S3. This makes it easier to integrate PySpark into existing data processing pipelines.
  5. Python-based: PySpark is built on Python, which is a popular and widely used programming language in industry. This means that it can be easier for data scientists and engineers to learn and work with PySpark and integrate it into their existing workflows.

20. Explain SparkConf and how does it work?

SparkConf is a configuration object in PySpark that allows users to set various configurations and properties for their Spark application. It provides a simple way to configure the properties of a Spark application before it starts running.

When a Spark application is launched, the first thing that happens is the creation of a SparkConf object, which can be used to set various properties related to the application. These properties can include things like the number of executor cores, the amount of memory to allocate per executor, and the maximum number of tasks to run concurrently.

The SparkConf object can be created using the PySpark SparkConf class, and properties can be set using the set method. For example, to set the number of executor cores to 4, you can use the following code:

from pyspark import SparkConf

conf = SparkConf().setAppName("MyApp").setMaster("local[4]")

In this example, the setAppName method is used to set the name of the application, while the setMaster method is used to set the Spark master URL, which specifies the cluster manager to use (in this case, the local machine with 4 cores).

Once the SparkConf object is created, it can be passed to the SparkContext object, which is the entry point for creating RDDs and performing distributed computations. Here’s an example of how to create a SparkContext object using a SparkConf object:

from pyspark import SparkContext

sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)

In this example, the SparkConf object is passed as an argument to the SparkContext constructor, which creates a new SparkContext object with the specified configurations.

Overall, SparkConf is a powerful tool for configuring Spark applications, allowing users to set various properties related to memory, parallelism, and other performance-related parameters. It can help users optimize their Spark applications for specific use cases and ensure that they are running efficiently.


21. Why do we need to mention the filename?

It’s not entirely clear what you are referring to with “the filename”, as there are many cases where filenames may be used in the context of data processing or programming. However, here are a few possible explanations:

  • When reading data from a file, you typically need to specify the filename so that the program knows where to find the data. For example, if you’re using PySpark to read a CSV file, you would need to specify the filename of the CSV file so that PySpark can load the data into an RDD or DataFrame.
  • When working with multiple files, it can be helpful to specify filenames so that the program knows which files to process. For example, if you have a folder containing multiple CSV files, you might need to loop through each file and process the data separately. In this case, you would need to specify the filename of each file so that the program knows which file to load into PySpark.
  • In some cases, filenames may be used to store and manage data in a program. For example, if you’re writing a program that generates output files, you might need to specify a filename for each output file so that the program knows where to save the data.

22. Describe getrootdirectory ().

The developers can obtain the root directory by using getrootdirectory().

It assists in obtaining the root directory, which contains the files added using SparkContext.addFile().

23. What is PySpark Storage Level?

PySpark Storage Level is a mechanism used in PySpark to control how RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets) are stored in memory and on disk. It allows users to specify the level of persistence or caching of RDDs, which determines how often the RDDs are recomputed from the original data source. This can have a significant impact on the performance and efficiency of PySpark applications.

PySpark Storage Level offers several levels of persistence, including:

  • MEMORY_ONLY: This level stores RDDs in memory as deserialized Java objects. It provides fast access to the data, but requires enough memory to store the entire RDD.
  • MEMORY_AND_DISK: This level stores RDDs in memory as long as possible, and spills them to disk if there is not enough memory available. It provides a balance between performance and storage capacity.
  • MEMORY_ONLY_SER: This level stores RDDs in memory as serialized Java objects, which can save memory but may incur serialization and deserialization overhead.
  • MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER: This level stores RDDs in memory as serialized Java objects, and spills them to disk if there is not enough memory available.
  • DISK_ONLY: This level stores RDDs on disk only, which can be useful for large RDDs that cannot fit in memory.

Users can specify the storage level for an RDD using the persist() or cache() methods. For example, to persist an RDD in memory as deserialized Java objects, you can use the following code:


Overall, PySpark Storage Level provides a powerful tool for controlling how RDDs are stored in memory and on disk, allowing users to optimize performance and memory usage for their specific use cases.

24. Explain broadcast variables in PySpark.

Broadcast variables in PySpark are read-only variables that are cached and shared across multiple nodes in a cluster. They are used to improve the efficiency of PySpark applications that require sharing large read-only data structures, such as lookup tables or configuration settings, across many tasks.

When a broadcast variable is created, PySpark serializes the data and sends it to all nodes in the cluster. Each node then caches a local copy of the data, which can be accessed by any tasks that run on that node. This avoids the need to send the data over the network multiple times, which can be time-consuming and resource-intensive.

To create a broadcast variable in PySpark, you can use the SparkContext.broadcast() method, which takes a single argument (the data to be broadcasted) and returns a Broadcast object. Here is an example:

lookup_table = {"apple": 1, "banana": 2, "orange": 3}
broadcast_table = sc.broadcast(lookup_table)

Once a broadcast variable is created, you can access it in your PySpark tasks using the value attribute of the Broadcast object. For example:

rdd = sc.parallelize(["apple", "banana", "orange"])
result = x: broadcast_table.value.get(x, 0)).collect()

In this example, the map() function applies a lambda function to each element of the RDD, looking up the corresponding value in the broadcasted lookup table. The get() method returns the value associated with the key (fruit name), or 0 if the key is not found. The collect() method collects the results back to the driver program and prints them.

Overall, broadcast variables in PySpark are a powerful tool for sharing read-only data structures across multiple nodes in a cluster, and can significantly improve the performance and efficiency of PySpark applications that require such data.

25. Why does the developer needs to do Serializers in PySpark?

Developers in PySpark need to use serializers to convert Python objects or data structures into a format that can be efficiently transmitted over the network or stored on disk. Serialization is necessary because PySpark applications typically run on distributed clusters, where data needs to be transferred between nodes and processed in parallel. In such scenarios, it is often more efficient to serialize data before transmitting it, as this can reduce the amount of data that needs to be transferred and the time required to transmit it.

PySpark supports several serializers, including the default Python pickle serializer, the faster and more efficient Pyrolite serializer, and the more compact and efficient Avro serializer. Developers can choose the serializer that best fits their use case based on factors such as performance, efficiency, and compatibility with other systems.

In addition to serialization, PySpark also supports deserialization, which is the reverse process of converting serialized data back into Python objects or data structures. Deserialization is necessary when receiving data from the network or reading data from disk.

26. When do you use Spark Stage info?

Spark Stage info is a feature in PySpark that provides detailed information about the progress and performance of Spark jobs. It can be particularly useful in diagnosing performance issues and optimizing the performance of PySpark applications.

Spark Stage info provides information about the following aspects of a Spark job:

  • Task distribution: This includes the number of tasks that have been completed, the number of tasks that are currently running, and the number of tasks that have yet to be executed.
  • Shuffle details: This includes information about the shuffle phase of a Spark job, such as the number of shuffle bytes, the number of map outputs, and the number of reduce tasks.
  • Input and output: This includes information about the input and output data of a Spark job, such as the number of input bytes and records, and the number of output bytes and records.
  • Execution time: This includes information about the total execution time of a Spark job, as well as the time spent on individual tasks and stages.

Developers can use Spark Stage info to identify bottlenecks in their PySpark applications, such as tasks that are taking too long to complete or stages that are not properly balanced. This information can then be used to optimize the performance of the application by adjusting factors such as the number of partitions or the size of the input data.

27. Which specific profiler do we use in PySpark?

In PySpark, the specific profiler used for performance tuning and optimization is called the Spark profiler, which is part of the Spark monitoring and performance tuning suite.

The Spark profiler provides detailed information about the performance of PySpark applications, including the execution time of individual tasks, the distribution of data across nodes in the cluster, and the efficiency of resource usage.

The Spark profiler consists of several components, including:

  • Task Timeline: This provides a graphical representation of the execution time of individual tasks in a PySpark job, showing when tasks started and finished, and how long they took to complete.
  • Executor Summary: This provides an overview of the resources used by each executor in a PySpark job, including CPU usage, memory usage, and disk usage.
  • Storage Summary: This provides information about the storage usage of a PySpark job, including the amount of data stored in memory and on disk, and the efficiency of caching and caching evictions.
  • Input and Output Metrics: This provides information about the input and output data of a PySpark job, including the number of bytes read and written, and the number of records processed.
  • Shuffle Metrics: This provides information about the shuffle phase of a PySpark job, including the number of shuffle bytes, the number of map outputs, and the number of reduce tasks.

28. How would you like to use Basic Profiler?

In PySpark, the Basic Profiler is a simple yet useful tool that can help developers to identify performance issues and bottlenecks in their applications. The Basic Profiler provides information about the execution time of individual tasks in a PySpark job, as well as the amount of data processed and transferred during the job.

To use the Basic Profiler, developers can follow these steps:

  1. Start by importing the necessary modules and setting up a PySpark context.
  2. Next, define the PySpark job to be executed, such as a map-reduce operation or a Spark SQL query.
  3. Before executing the job, use the Basic Profiler to start profiling by invoking the start() method of the BasicProfiler class.
  4. After executing the job, use the Basic Profiler to stop profiling by invoking the stop() method of the BasicProfiler class.
  5. Finally, print the profiling results using the pretty_print() method of the BasicProfiler class.

The output of the Basic Profiler will show the execution time of each task in the job, as well as the amount of data processed and transferred during each task. This information can be used to identify tasks that are taking longer than expected to execute, or tasks that are processing large amounts of data and may benefit from optimization or tuning.

image 22

29. Can we use PySpark in the small data set?

We should not use PySaprk in the small data set. It will not help us so much because it’s typical library systems that have more complex objects than more accessible. It’s best for the massive amount of data set.

30. What is PySpark Partition?

In PySpark, a partition is a logical division of a larger dataset into smaller, more manageable chunks. Each partition contains a subset of the data, and the number of partitions used can vary depending on the size of the dataset and the configuration of the PySpark cluster.

Partitions are an important concept in PySpark because they allow data to be processed in parallel across multiple nodes in a distributed computing environment. By dividing the data into smaller partitions, each node in the cluster can work on a subset of the data independently, without the need for communication or coordination with other nodes.

Partitioning can be done in several ways in PySpark. By default, when reading data from a file, PySpark will try to split the data into partitions based on the size of the input file, with each partition containing roughly the same number of bytes. Alternatively, developers can specify a custom partitioning scheme based on specific criteria such as the values of a particular column in the dataset.

Partitioning can also be useful when performing operations such as joins or aggregations, as it can reduce the amount of data that needs to be shuffled across the network. By ensuring that data is partitioned appropriately, PySpark can minimize the amount of data movement and network communication required during these operations, which can greatly improve performance and reduce latency.


Syntax: partitionBy(self, *cols)

31. How many partitions can you make in PySpark?

The number of partitions in PySpark can vary depending on the size of the dataset and the configuration of the PySpark cluster. By default, when reading data from a file, PySpark will try to split the data into partitions based on the size of the input file, with each partition containing roughly the same number of bytes.

However, the number of partitions can also be explicitly set by the developer using the repartition() or coalesce() methods on a PySpark DataFrame or RDD. The repartition() method allows the developer to increase or decrease the number of partitions by shuffling the data, while the coalesce() method can be used to decrease the number of partitions without shuffling the data.

The maximum number of partitions that can be created in PySpark depends on several factors such as the available memory, the size of the data, and the number of worker nodes in the cluster. However, it is generally recommended to keep the number of partitions between 100 to 1000 per executor, depending on the resources available in the cluster.

It is important to note that creating too many partitions can lead to increased overhead and decreased performance, as each partition requires additional memory and processing resources to manage. Conversely, creating too few partitions can lead to poor load balancing and underutilization of cluster resources, as some partitions may finish processing much faster than others.

By default, 200 partitions are created by DataFrame shuffle operations.

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