

What are SQL constraints and its different types?

What are SQL constraints and their different types?

SQL Constraints and Types

SQL Constraints and Types

SQL constraints are used to specify rules for the data in a table in a database. They help to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the data stored in the table. By defining constraints on a table, you can specify what values are allowed in each column and how the data can be modified. For example, you can use a constraint to ensure that a column cannot contain null values, or that the values in a column must be unique.

Constraints are an important aspect of database design and are often used in conjunction with database normalization. By using constraints, you can ensure that your data is organized and structured in a way that is efficient and easy to work with. Overall, constraints are a useful tool for maintaining the quality and reliability of your data.

Here are some common types of SQL constraints:

  1. NOT NULL Constraint: This constraint ensures that a column cannot contain a null value.
  2. UNIQUE Constraint: This constraint ensures that all values in a column are unique. No two rows can have the same value in a column with a unique constraint.
  3. PRIMARY KEY Constraint: This constraint combines a NOT NULL and UNIQUE constraint. It ensures that a column or set of columns uniquely identifies each row in a table.
  4. FOREIGN KEY Constraint: This constraint ensures that the values in a column (or set of columns) match the values in a column (or set of columns) in another table.
  5. CHECK Constraint: This constraint allows you to specify a condition that must be met for the data to be inserted or updated in a table.
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SQL constraints are rules that are applied to database tables to ensure data integrity and accuracy. They are used to define the limits and restrictions of the data that can be stored in a table. Constraints are essential to maintain data consistency and prevent errors and inconsistencies in the database. There are several types of SQL constraints, each with its own specific purpose and rules. In this blog, we will introduce the different types of SQL constraints and explain their importance in maintaining the integrity of database tables.

Here is an example of how to create a table with SQL constraints:

  username VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE NOT NULL,
  password VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
  age INTEGER CHECK (age > 0)

This creates a table called “users” with the following constraints:

  • The “id” column is the primary key and cannot contain a null value.
  • The “username” and “email” columns are unique and cannot contain a null value.
  • The “age” column cannot contain a null value and must contain a positive integer.

Certainly! Here are some more examples of using SQL constraints:

  product_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
  quantity INTEGER NOT NULL,
  FOREIGN KEY (product_id) REFERENCES products (id)

This creates a table called “orders” with the following constraints:

  • The “order_id” column is the primary key and cannot contain a null value.
  • The “product_id” column cannot contain a null value and must contain a value that exists in the “id” column of the “products” table.
CREATE TABLE products (
  name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
  price NUMERIC(10, 2) NOT NULL CHECK (price > 0)

This creates a table called “products” with the following constraints:

  • The “id” column is the primary key and cannot contain a null value.
  • The “name” column cannot contain a null value.
  • The “price” column cannot contain a null value and must be a positive number.


SQL constraints are used to specify rules for the data in a table. They can be used to ensure data integrity and prevent invalid data from being inserted or updated in a table. Some common types of SQL constraints include NOT NULL, UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, and CHECK. By using these constraints, you can ensure that your data adheres to certain standards and meets the needs of your application.

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