DevOps Chef Interview Questions
1. What is a Chef?
In the context of software development and operations, “DevOps” refers to a set of practices that aim to improve collaboration and communication between developers and operations staff. “Chef” is a configuration management tool that can be used as part of a DevOps workflow.
A chef is a tool that allows you to automate the process of configuring and maintaining servers and other infrastructure. It does this by using “recipes” that specify the desired state of the system and then automatically executing the necessary steps to bring the system into compliance with the recipe.
For example, you might use Chef to set up a web server by writing a recipe that installs the necessary packages, configures the web server software, and sets up the necessary firewall rules. Once the recipe has been written, you can use Chef to automatically provision and configure new servers as needed, ensuring that they are all consistent and adhere to your desired configuration.
In a DevOps environment, Chef can be used to automate many of the tasks involved in the software development and deployment process, allowing developers and operations staff to work together more efficiently and effectively.
2. What are Chef Architecture Components?
Chef is a configuration management tool that uses a client-server architecture. The main components of Chef’s architecture are:
- Chef Server: This is the central component of the Chef architecture. It stores the configuration data for all of the nodes that are managed by Chef, and it communicates with the nodes to ensure that they are in compliance with their desired configuration.
- Chef Workstation: This is the computer where a user writes and tests Chef code, such as cookbooks and recipes. The workstation communicates with the Chef Server to upload cookbooks and policies, and to trigger the convergence process on nodes.
- Chef Node: This is a server or other infrastructure component that is managed by Chef. Each node has a Chef client installed on it, which communicates with the Chef Server to receive configuration instructions and report the node’s current configuration state.

4. Cookbooks and Recipes: These are the components of Chef code that specify the desired configuration of a node. Cookbooks contain collections of related recipes, and recipes contain the instructions that are executed on a node to bring it into compliance with the desired configuration.
5. Policy: This is a set of rules that define how the Chef should manage the nodes in the infrastructure. A policy can specify which cookbooks and recipes should be applied to which nodes, as well as other details such as the order in which the recipes should be executed.
Overall, the Chef architecture is designed to allow users to automate the process of configuring and maintaining infrastructure by specifying desired configuration states in code and then using those configurations to bring nodes into compliance with the desired state.
3. What is a Recipe in Chef?
In the context of Chef, a recipe is a collection of instructions that are used to configure a node or perform other tasks on a node. A recipe typically consists of a set of resources that define the desired state of the node and the actions that should be taken to bring the node into compliance with that desired state.
For example, a recipe might include resources to install packages, create users, and modify configuration files on a node. When the recipe is executed on a node, the Chef client will automatically perform the necessary actions to bring the node into compliance with the recipe.
Recipes are written in the Ruby programming language, and they can be used to automate a wide range of tasks, such as installing and configuring software, setting up services, and managing system resources. Recipes can be included in cookbooks, which are collections of related recipes that are used to configure a node or group of nodes.
In a DevOps workflow, recipes can be used to automate many of the tasks involved in the software development and deployment process, allowing developers and operations staff to work together more efficiently and effectively.
4. What is a Node in Chef?
In the context of Chef, a node is a server or other infrastructure component that is managed by Chef. A node has the Chef client software installed on it, which communicates with the Chef Server to receive configuration instructions and report the node’s current configuration state.
The Chef client is responsible for executing recipes on the node to bring it into compliance with the desired configuration. It does this by applying the necessary actions to the node, such as installing packages, creating users, and modifying configuration files.
In a DevOps workflow, nodes are typically used to host applications or other services, and they are managed using Chef to ensure that they are consistently configured and compliant with the desired state. By using Chef to automate the process of configuring and maintaining nodes, organizations can streamline their infrastructure management and deployment processes
5. How does a Cookbook differ from a Recipe in a Chef?
In the context of Chef, a cookbook is a collection of related recipes that are used to configure a node or group of nodes. A recipe is a single unit of configuration that specifies the desired state of a node and the actions that should be taken to bring the node into compliance with that desired state.
Cookbooks are used to organize and group related recipes, and they can be used to automate a wide range of tasks, such as installing and configuring software, setting up services, and managing system resources. Cookbooks are written in the Ruby programming language, and they are stored on the Chef Server, where they can be accessed and used by nodes to configure themselves.
A recipe is a specific component of a cookbook that specifies a specific configuration or task that should be applied to a node. A cookbook can contain multiple recipes, and a recipe can be included in multiple cookbooks. For example, a cookbook might contain recipes to install and configure a web server, a database server, and a load balancer, while a separate recipe might be used to configure a firewall.
In a DevOps workflow, cookbooks and recipes are used to automate the process of configuring and maintaining infrastructure, allowing developers and operations staff to work together more efficiently and effectively.
6. What happens when you don’t specify a Resource’s action in Chef?
In the context of Chef, a resource is a specific element of configuration that is managed by a recipe. A resource specifies the desired state of a node and the actions that should be taken to bring the node into compliance with that desired state.
If you don’t specify an action for a resource in a recipe, the default action will be used. The default action depends on the type of resource that you are using. For example, the default action for a package resource is “install,” which means that if you don’t specify an action, the package will be installed by default.
It’s generally a good practice to explicitly specify the action for each resource in a recipe, even if it is the default action. This can help to make your recipes more readable and easier to understand, and it can also help to prevent unintended changes to the node’s configuration.
For example, consider the following resource:
package 'nginx'
In this example, the package resource specifies the name of the package to install, but it does not specify an action. This means that the default action of “install” will be used, and the Nginx package will be installed on the node.
If you want to specify a different action, such as “upgrade” or “remove,” you can do so by adding the action to the resource:
package 'nginx' do
action :upgrade
In this example, the action is set to “upgrade,” which means that the Nginx package will be upgraded on the node.
7. What is a Resource in Chef?
In the context of Chef, a resource is a unit of configuration that describes some aspect of the infrastructure or environment that is being managed. Resources are used to declare the desired state of a system, such as the packages that should be installed, the users that should be present, or the services that should be running.
Resources are defined within Chef cookbooks, which are collections of configuration policies that can be used to manage infrastructure. When a Chef cookbook is run, it executes the resource declarations in the order they are written, ensuring that the desired state of the system is achieved.
Here is an example of a simple resource declaration in Chef that installs the Apache HTTP server package:
package 'httpd' do
action :install
This resource tells Chef to ensure that the ‘httpd'
the package is installed on the system. The ‘action'
attribute specifies the desired state of the package, in this case ':install
‘. There are many other attributes that can be used to customize the behavior of a resource, depending on the resource type.
8. Write a service Resource that stops and then disables the httpd service from starting when the system boots in Chef.
To create a resource in Chef that stops and disables the 'httpd
‘ service, you can use the 'service
‘ resource type and specify the ':stop
‘ and ':disable
‘ actions. Here is an example of how this resource could be declared:
service 'httpd' do
action [:stop, :disable]
This resource tells Chef to stop the 'httpd
‘ service if it is currently running, and then disable it from starting when the system boots. The 'action
‘ the attribute is specified as an array of symbols, which tells the Chef to perform both actions in the order they are listed.
You can also specify additional attributes to customize the behavior of the resource. For example, you can use the 'only_if
‘ attribute to conditionally execute the resource based on the result of a command:
service 'httpd' do
action [:stop, :disable]
only_if "systemctl is-active httpd"
This resource will only be executed if the 'httpd
‘ service is currently active, as determined by the ‘systemctl is-active httpd
‘ command.
9. How does Chef-apply differ from Chef-client?
and ‘chef-apply'
are both tools that are used to execute Chef configuration policies, but they operate in slightly different ways.
is a standalone tool that is used to apply configuration policies to a node by converging the node’s desired state with its actual state. When ‘chef-client'
is run, it first downloads the necessary cookbooks and other required files from a Chef Server, and then executes the resources in those cookbooks on the local node. ‘'chef-client'
is typically run as a daemon that periodically executes the configuration policies, or it can be run manually as needed.
, on the other hand, is a lightweight tool that is used to apply a single recipe or snippet of Chef code to a node. It does not require a Chef Server or a full Chef repository, and it is typically used for testing or for making quick, one-off changes to a node’s configuration. ‘chef-apply'
reads a recipe or snippet of code from a file or from standard input, and then executes it on the local node.
Both 'chef-client'
and 'chef-apply
‘ can be used to apply configuration policies to a node, but ‘chef-client'
is typically used for more comprehensive management tasks, while 'chef-apply
‘ is more suited for quick, one-off changes.
DevOps Chef Interview Questions
10. What is the run-list in Chef?
In Chef, the run list is a list of recipes and/or roles that define the configuration policies that should be applied to a node. The run list is used by the ‘chef-client'
to determine which policies should be applied to a node when it is converged.
A run-list can be specified in a number of ways, including through the node object on the Chef Server, as an attribute in a role, or as a command-line option when running 'chef-client'
. The run-list is processed in the order it is specified, and each recipe or role in the run-list is executed in turn.
Here is an example of a simple run-list that includes a single recipe:
"run_list": [
This run list specifies that the ‘default’ recipe from the ‘my_cookbook’ cookbook should be applied to the node. You can include multiple recipes and roles in a run-list by separating them with commas:
"run_list": [
This run list will apply the 'default'
recipe from ‘my_cookbook
‘, the ‘configure'
recipe from ‘another_cookbook'
, and the policies defined in the 'webserver'
role to the node, in that order.
11. What information do you need in order to bootstrap in Chef?
In order to bootstrap a node with Chef, you will need to provide the following information:
- The name or IP address of the node that you want to bootstrap.
- The name of the organization or “chef_environment” that you want to associate the node with. This is optional, but it can be useful for managing nodes in different environments (e.g. production, staging, and development).
- The URL of the Chef Server that the node should be registered with.
- A client key for the node will be used to authenticate with the Chef Server. The client key should be stored on the node and will be used to authenticate the node when it communicates with the Chef Server.
- The name of the node should appear in the Chef Server’s database.
- The run list for the node specifies the configuration policies that should be applied to the node.
You will also need to install the 'chef-client'
on the node, which is the tool that is used to apply the configuration policies to the node.
To bootstrap a node with Chef, you can use the ‘chef-client'
command with the ‘-r'
option to specify the run list and the ‘-E'
option to specify the environment or organization:
chef-client -r "recipe[my_cookbook::default]" -E production
This command will register the node with the Chef Server and apply the ‘default'
recipe from the ‘my_cookbook'
cookbook to the node. The node will be associated with the “production” environment.
Note that you can also provide the above information through command-line options or through configuration files, depending on your preference and the specific requirements of your environment.
12. How do you apply an updated Cookbook to your node in Chef?
To apply an updated cookbook to a node in Chef, you will need to upload the updated cookbook to the Chef Server and then update the node’s run-list to include the updated cookbook.
Here is the general process for applying an updated cookbook to a node:
- Use the
command-line tool to upload the updated cookbook to the Chef Server. For example:
knife cookbook upload my_cookbook
- Update the node’s run list to include the updated cookbook. You can use the
command-line tool to do this, or you can use the Chef Server’s web interface. For example:
knife node run_list add my_node "recipe[my_cookbook]"
- Run the
on the node to apply the updated cookbook. This can be done manually, or you can set it upchef-client
to run periodically as a daemon to ensure that the node stays in compliance with the desired configuration.
Note that if you are using roles to manage your nodes, you can also update a role to include the updated cookbook, and then update the run-lists of the nodes that use that role to include the updated role. This can be more efficient than updating the run lists of individual nodes.
13. What is the role of the Starter Kit in Chef?
In Chef, the starter kit is a collection of files and directories that are used to set up a new workstation or node with the necessary tools and configurations to interact with a Chef Server. The starter kit includes the knife
the command-line tool, which is used to manage the node and interact with the Chef Server, as well as a configuration file and a client key that is used to authenticate the node with the Chef Server.
The starter kit is typically used to set up a new workstation or node that will be used to manage the infrastructure with Chef. It can be downloaded from the Chef Server’s web interface, and it contains all of the necessary files and instructions to set up the node and get it registered with the Chef Server.
Once the starter kit has been downloaded and set up on a new workstation or node, the knife
command-line tool can be used to interact with the Chef Server and manage the node. For example, the knife
tool can be used to upload cookbooks and policies to the Chef Server, create new nodes and assign them to roles, and manage the run lists of nodes.
The starter kit is an important part of the Chef ecosystem, as it provides a simple and consistent way to set up new workstations and nodes and get them connected to the Chef Server.
14. What is the command you use to upload a cookbook to the Chef server?
To upload a cookbook to the Chef Server, you can use the 'knife
‘ a command-line tool with the 'cookbook upload
‘ subcommand.
Here is the general syntax for uploading a cookbook to the Chef Server:
cookbook upload COOKBOOK [COOKBOOK ...] [options]
is the name of the cookbook that you want to upload. You can specify multiple cookbooks by separating their names with spaces.
For example, uploading the 'my_cookbook
‘ cookbook to the Chef Server, you can use the following command:
knife cookbook upload my_cookbook
This will upload the 'my_cookbook
‘ cookbook to the Chef Server, making it available for use on nodes managed by the Chef Server.
You can also specify additional options to customize the behavior of the ‘cookbook upload
‘ command. For example, you can use the '--cookbook-path'
option to specify the directory where the cookbook is located or the '--freeze
‘ option to prevent the cookbook from being modified on the server.
knife cookbook upload my_cookbook --cookbook-path /path/to/cookbooks --freeze
This command will upload the 'my_cookbook
‘ cookbook from the '/path/to/cookbooks
‘ directory, and it will prevent the cookbook from being modified on the server.
15. What would you set your cookbook’s version to once it is ready to use in production?
Once a cookbook is ready to use in production, it is generally recommended to set the cookbook’s version to a release version number, such as ‘1.0.0
, 2.0.0
‘.or similar. This will indicate that the cookbook is stable and has been tested and is ready for use in a production environment.
In Chef, the version of a cookbook is specified in the ‘metadata.rb
‘ file, which is located in the root directory of the cookbook. To set the cookbook’s version, you can update the 'version
‘ field in the ‘metadata.rb'
For example, to set the cookbook’s version to '1.0.0
‘, you would update the 'metadata.rb'
a file like this:
name 'my_cookbook'
maintainer 'The Authors'
maintainer_email '[email protected]'
license 'all_rights'
description 'Installs/Configures my_cookbook'
long_description 'Installs/Configures my_cookbook'
version '1.0.0'
Once the cookbook’s version has been updated, you can use the ‘knife'
command-line tool to upload the updated cookbook to the Chef Server:
knife cookbook upload my_cookbook
This will upload the updated cookbook to the Chef Server, making it available for use on nodes managed by the Chef Server.
It is generally a good practice to regularly update the version number of your cookbooks as you make changes to them, in order to keep track of the changes and to make it easier to roll back to a previous version if necessary. You can use a version control system, such as Git, to manage the changes to your cookbooks.
16. What is the value of local development using Test Kitchen in Chef?
Test Kitchen is a tool that is used to facilitate the local development of Chef cookbooks. It provides a way to test cookbooks in an isolated environment before they are deployed to production nodes, which can help to ensure that the cookbooks are working correctly and are free of errors.
There are several benefits to using Test Kitchen for the local development of Chef cookbooks:
- It allows you to test cookbooks in a variety of environments and platforms, including different operating systems and virtualization technologies. This can help to ensure that your cookbooks are portable and work correctly on a variety of systems.
- It provides a consistent and reproducible testing environment, which can be helpful for debugging and troubleshooting issues with cookbooks.
- It allows you to test cookbooks in an isolated environment, which can help to prevent conflicts with existing configurations on your workstation or other nodes.
- It integrates with a variety of testing frameworks, such as RSpec and InSpec, which can help to automate the testing process and ensure that cookbooks are working as intended.
Overall, using Test Kitchen for the local development of Chef cookbooks can help to improve the quality and reliability of your cookbooks, and can make it easier to identify and fix issues before they are deployed to production nodes.
17. Where can you get reusable cookbooks that are written and maintained by the Chef community?
There are several sources where you can find reusable cookbooks that are written and maintained by the Chef community:
- The Chef Supermarket is a public repository of cookbooks that are developed and maintained by the Chef community. It contains a wide variety of cookbooks that can be used to manage a wide range of infrastructure and applications. You can browse and search the Supermarket to find cookbooks that meet your needs.
- The Chef Documentation site contains a collection of official Chef cookbooks that are developed and maintained by the Chef team. These cookbooks cover a range of common infrastructure and application management tasks, and they are generally well-tested and well-documented.
- GitHub is a popular platform for developers to share and collaborate on open-source projects, including Chef cookbooks. Many cookbooks that are developed by the Chef community are available on GitHub, and you can use the search function to find cookbooks that meet your needs.
- You can also find cookbooks that are developed and maintained by specific organizations or vendors. For example, many software vendors provide their own cookbooks that can be used to install and manage their software on nodes managed by Chef.
Overall, there are many sources for reusable cookbooks that are written and maintained by the Chef community, and you can use these cookbooks to manage a wide range of infrastructure and applications. It is generally a good idea to carefully review the documentation and testing status of a cookbook before using it in production, to ensure that it meets your needs and is of high quality.
18. Are these two Chef recipes the same?
Chef recipes are written in the Ruby programming language and are used to define the infrastructure and configuration of a system. To determine if two Chef recipes are the same, you would need to compare the content of the recipes and see if they perform the same actions or have the same intended outcomes.
1 package ‘httpd’
2 service ‘httpd’ do
3 action [:enable, :start]
4 end
1 service ‘httpd’ do
2 action [:enable, :start]
3 end
4 package ‘httpd’
No, the recipe file gets to run in the order in which it is written. In the first recipe, the HTTPd package gets installed and then configures the service. Whereas the second recipe configures the service and then the HTTPd package is installed.