The Best Utilize Count Function In Python
The count() function method is one of the inbuilt functions in Python. As the name implies, it returns the number of times a specified value appears in a string or a list.
In real-time, we deal with statistical functions and financial functions where the number of arguments contains numbers and the number of cells contains numbers too. Hence, the count method helps us immensely.
This method is also used to count numbers in the given set of arrays.
There are two types of methods for ‘count’ in Python. They are as follows:
- String count() method
- List count() method
PYTHON String Count() Method:
The count () in Python is used to count the number of times a substring occurs in each string. A single parameter (substring value) is quite enough for execution, optionally the other two values are also available.
string.count(value, start, end)
Parameter values:
Value – This is the substring whose count in Python is to be found. This can be a single character or a substring, which needs to be searched for in the given string.
Start (Optional) – This should be an integer, which is the index value to start the search in the given string. By default, it starts from 0, when the value is not given.
End (Optional) – This should be an integer, which is the index value to end the search. By default, it is the end of the string. When the end value is not given, it will find values until the end of the string or list.
The count in Python method returns a number as a return value. The integer value is the return value. When the count in Python returns 0, then it means that the value is not found in the list or string.
Example 1:
Code 1:
# this line for declaring a variable and its value
myText = “I love Paris, Paris is my favorite tourist destination”
# this line for calling the count method
numofCounts = myText.count(“Paris”)
# this line for print output
print(“{} number of times”.format(numofCounts)) # format is the inbuilt
function to use join the values.
Output :
2 number of times

In the above example, the count method will search for the word “Paris” in myText. It will return 2 as an integer value since the word Paris occurs two times in the string. The variable ‘numofCounts’ will get the return value and display the result.
Example 2:
Code 2:
# this line for declaring the variable and its value
myText = “I love Paris, Paris is my favorite tourist destination”
# this line for calling the count method with start and end value
numofCounts = myText.count(“Paris”,8,20) # 8 is start value , 20 is end value
# this line for print output
print(“{} number of times”.format(numofCounts))
# format is the inbuilt function to use join the values.
1 number of times

In the above example, the same count method searches for the word “Paris” from the specified index value. Here, the count method has two more parameters. The starting search point is the 8th index, and it ends the searching at the 20th index value of myText string (“aris, Paris is”). So, it returns only 1 time.
PYTHON List Count() method:
The count() method in Python returns the number of elements that appear in the specified list. This method takes a single argument as input. It iterates the list and counts the number of instances that match it.
Value—The value to be counted in Python. It can be of any type (String, number, list, etc.)
Example 1:
Code 3:
# this line for declare variable and its value
cities= [“Paris”,”London”,”New York”]
# this line for calling count method
numofCount =cities.count(“Paris”) # this is for test data Paris already Exist
numofTestCount = cities.count(“Rome”) # this is for test data Rome not exist in list
# this line for print output
print(“{} number of times”.format(numofCount)) # one because paris exist in List
print(“{} number of times”.format(numofTestCount)) # zero because Rome not exist in List
1 number of times
0 number of times

Note that in the above example, the print numofTestCount output is 0, as it received an invalid or non-existent parameter.
Example 2:
Count from even number list:
Code 4:
# this line for declaring the variable and its value
evennumbers= [2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22]
# this line for calling the count method
numofEvens = evennumbers.count(4)
print(“{} number of times”.format(numofEvens)) # format is the inbuilt function to use join the values.
1 number of times

You might have noticed that the output of print numofEvens was 1, though 2 appears at 12 and 20 in the list. It is because the list only counts the element which matches the data type and the value of the parameter passed.
Example 3:
Count from tuple
Code 5:
# this line for declare variable and its value
cities = [(‘Paris’,1),(‘London’,2),(‘Rome’,3)] # here we passing Tuple values
numofCounts = cities.count((‘London’,2))# here we pass only one tuble value . if we pass more tuple values we will face Type Error
print(“{} number of times”.format(numofCounts)) # format is the in-build function to use join the values.
1 number of times

In the above example, cities denote the list variable that holds a few tuple values. We can find the tuple value with the help of the count method in the list. The numofCounts variable displays 1 since the value was found one time.
When we deal with the list count method, the error possibility in the count method is TypeError. When over 1 parameter is passed, it throws TypeError.
Count() is a Python built-in function that returns the number of times an object appears in a list. The count() method is one of Python’s built-in functions. It returns the number of times a given value occurs in a string or a list, as the name implies. In real-time, we deal with statistical functions and financial functions where the number of arguments containing numbers, or the number of cells containing a number, will benefit from the count process. This approach can also be used to count the number of elements in an array.