

CI/CD Pipeline – Learn how to set up a CI/CD Pipeline from Scratch

CI/CD Pipeline – Learn how to set up a CI/CD Pipeline from Scratch

CI/CD Pipeline

CI/CD Pipeline

CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) is a software development practice that involves a series of automated processes that help to streamline the delivery of high-quality software. A CI/CD pipeline is a set of steps that allows developers to continuously build, test, and deploy their code changes to production in a fast and reliable manner.

The CI/CD pipeline starts with the integration of code changes into a shared repository, which triggers a build process that compiles the code, runs automated tests, and generates artifacts such as executables or packages. If the build is successful, the pipeline moves to the next stage, where the artifacts are deployed to a test environment, and integration and acceptance tests are run.

If the tests pass, the pipeline moves to the deployment stage, where the artifacts are deployed to production. Continuous Deployment is the process of automatically deploying changes to production, while Continuous Delivery is the process of making changes ready for deployment at any time but leaving the decision to deploy in the hands of the stakeholders.

The CI/CD pipeline also involves monitoring and feedback mechanisms, which provide visibility into the health of the software, including metrics related to performance, security, and user experience. The feedback mechanisms help to identify issues and provide insights into how to improve the software.

CI/CD pipelines can be implemented using a variety of tools, including Jenkins, Travis CI, CircleCI, GitLab CI/CD, and many others. These tools help to automate the different stages of the pipeline, providing developers with a streamlined and efficient way to deliver software.

In this tutorial we focus about:

  • What is CI/CD Pipeline?
  • How to build an effective CI CD pipeline?
  • Example of how to set up a CI/CD pipeline from scratch
  • Conclusion

What is CI/CD Pipeline?

A CI/CD pipeline, also known as a Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment pipeline, is a set of automated processes that helps to streamline software development and delivery. It allows developers to frequently and reliably build, test, and deploy their code changes to production environments.

The pipeline typically starts with a version control system, such as Git, where developers commit their changes. When a new code change is detected, the pipeline automatically triggers a series of processes that compile the code, run automated tests, and generate deployable artifacts.

Once the code passes the automated tests, the pipeline deploys it to a staging environment where additional tests and user acceptance testing can be performed. If the code passes all tests, the pipeline then deploys it to a production environment. Continuous Deployment is the process of automatically deploying changes to production, while Continuous Delivery is the process of making changes ready for deployment at any time but leaving the decision to deploy in the hands of the stakeholders.

The CI/CD pipeline provides several benefits, including faster time to market, improved code quality, reduced risks associated with deploying new code changes, and increased collaboration and visibility among team members.

There are various tools available to implement CI/CD pipelines, such as Jenkins, Travis CI, CircleCI, GitLab CI/CD, and many others. These tools help automate the different stages of the pipeline, making it easier for developers to deliver high-quality software quickly and efficiently.


Continuous Integration (CI) is a practice that involves developers frequently committing their code changes to a shared repository, where automated build and testing processes are run. This helps to identify and fix integration issues early on before they become harder and more expensive to fix.

Continuous Deployment (CD) is the practice of automatically deploying new code changes to a production environment, once they pass the automated testing process. This allows for faster feedback and delivery of new features and bug fixes to users.

Continuous Delivery (CD) is a step further than Continuous Deployment, it means that the software is always in a releasable state, but it doesn’t mean that it is automatically released, there is still a human intervention required.

By automating the build, test, and deployment process, teams can reduce the risk of human error and improve the overall efficiency and speed of software development. It also enables them to deliver new features and bug fixes to users more frequently and with less downtime.

How to build an effective CI CD pipeline?

Building an effective CI/CD pipeline requires careful planning, execution, and continuous improvement. Here are some steps to help you build an effective CI/CD pipeline:

  1. Define your pipeline stages: Start by defining the different stages of your pipeline, such as build, test, deploy, and monitor. Each stage should have a clear set of inputs, outputs, and exit criteria.
  2. Choose your tools: Choose the right tools for each stage of your pipeline, such as a version control system like Git, a build tool like Maven or Gradle, a testing framework like JUnit or Selenium, and a deployment tool like Ansible or Kubernetes.
  3. Automate your pipeline: Automate each stage of your pipeline using your chosen tools. Use scripts or configuration files to automate builds, tests, deployments, and monitoring.
  4. Implement Continuous Integration: Implement Continuous Integration by regularly merging code changes into a central repository and triggering a build process that runs automated tests and generates artifacts.
  5. Implement Continuous Deployment: Implement Continuous Deployment by automating the deployment of artifacts to staging and production environments.
  6. Monitor and collect feedback: Implement monitoring and feedback mechanisms that provide visibility into the health of your software, including metrics related to performance, security, and user experience. Use the feedback to identify issues and improve your pipeline.
  7. Continuous Improvement: Continuously improve your pipeline by reviewing your pipeline performance regularly, evaluating your tools and processes, and implementing changes that optimize your pipeline performance.

By following these steps, you can build an effective CI/CD pipeline that helps you deliver high-quality software quickly and efficiently. It’s important to keep in mind that building an effective pipeline is an ongoing process that requires continuous improvement, so be sure to regularly review and refine your pipeline to optimize its performance.


A CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) pipeline is a set of automated processes that manage the code changes from development to production. It allows developers to integrate code changes frequently, and automatically deploy them to production with minimal human intervention.

Here is a basic example of how to set up a CI/CD pipeline from scratch:

  1. Use a version control system (such as Git) to manage the code changes.
  2. Set up an integration server (such as Jenkins) to automatically build and test the code changes.
  3. Use a package manager (such as npm or Maven) to manage the dependencies and package the application.
  4. Use containerization technology (such as Docker) to package the application and its dependencies in a single container.
  5. Use a container orchestration tool (such as Kubernetes) to deploy and manage the containers in a cluster.
  6. Use a cloud platform (such as AWS or GCP) to host the cluster and provide the necessary infrastructure and services.
  7. Set up a monitoring and logging system (such as Prometheus and ELK stack) to track the application’s performance and troubleshoot issues.
  8. Use an automated testing framework (such as Selenium or JUnit) to run automated tests on the application before deployment.
  9. Use a deployment tool (such as Ansible or Terraform) to automate the deployment process.

This is just a basic example, and the specific tools and technologies will depend on your application’s requirements and the infrastructure you have available. But this gives you an idea of the different components that make up a typical CI/CD pipeline.

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To continue, here are a few more steps to consider:

  1. Define and implement a branching strategy for your codebase, such as Git Flow, which allows you to separate development, testing, and production code.
  2. Set up an artifact repository (such as Artifactory or Nexus) to store the build artifacts, such as the container images, and make them available for deployment.
  3. Use a load balancer (such as HAProxy or NGINX) to distribute traffic between different instances of the application and ensure high availability.
  4. Use a service discovery tool (such as Consul or ZooKeeper) to automatically register and discover services in the cluster.
  5. Use a configuration management tool (such as Ansible or Chef) to manage the configuration of the servers and services in the cluster.
  6. Implement a rollback strategy in case of a failed deployment, so you can quickly revert to the previous version of the application.
  7. Set up a feedback loop to receive feedback from users and customers, and use it to improve the application.

As you can see, setting up a CI/CD pipeline from scratch requires a lot of different tools and technologies, and it can be a complex process. However, with the right tools and a well-defined process, you can automate the entire development cycle, and make sure that your application is always up-to-date and running smoothly.

Additionally, you can use pre-built CI/CD tools like Gitlab CI, CircleCI, TravisCI, etc. These tools integrate with your code hosting services and provide easy integration of the CI/CD pipeline.

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A CI/CD pipeline is a critical component of modern software development practices that allows teams to deliver high-quality software quickly and efficiently. By automating different stages of the pipeline and implementing Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment, teams can reduce the time it takes to deliver new features and minimize the risks associated with deploying code changes.

Building an effective CI/CD pipeline requires careful planning, the right tools, automation, and continuous improvement. Teams must define the different stages of their pipeline, choose the right tools, automate each stage, implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment, monitor and collect feedback, and continuously improve their pipeline to optimize its performance.

Overall, an effective CI/CD pipeline can help organizations achieve faster time-to-market, improved code quality, reduced risk, increased collaboration and visibility among team members, and ultimately better customer experiences.

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