

Azure IoT: Learn How To Create IoT Hub on Azure

Create IoT Hub on Azure

Create IoT Hub on Azure

Azure IoT Hub is a managed service that enables reliable and secure bidirectional communications between millions of IoT devices and a solution back end. It helps you build, connect, and manage intelligent devices using various protocols, including HTTP, MQTT, AMQP, and WebSockets.

IoT Hub provides features such as device registry, device identity management, and device-to-cloud and cloud-to-device messaging. It also integrates with Azure services such as Azure Functions, Azure Stream Analytics, and Azure Machine Learning to enable complex IoT scenarios such as real-time data processing, analytics, and machine learning.

IoT Hub is suitable for a wide range of IoT scenarios, including industrial automation, smart cities, connected cars, and home automation. It is scalable, reliable, and secure, making it an ideal choice for building large-scale IoT solutions.

Tutorial on how to create an IoT hub on Azure with some examples and outputs.


Step 1: Go to the Azure portal

Go to the Azure portal at

Step 2: Create a new IoT hub resource

To create a new IoT hub, click on the “Create a resource” button in the top left corner of the portal. This will open the “Create a resource” blade.

In the search box, type “IoT Hub” and press Enter. This will display a list of search results.

Click on the “IoT Hub” result that appears. This will open the “IoT Hub” blade.

Step 3: Configure the IoT hub

In the “IoT Hub” blade, click the “Create” button to start creating a new IoT hub. This will open the “Create IoT Hub” blade.

In the “Create IoT Hub” blade, enter the following information:

  • Name: A unique name for your IoT hub. This name must be globally unique across all Azure subscriptions, so it is a good idea to include your name or organization in the name. For example, you could use a name like “my-iot-hub-123”.
  • Subscription: Your Azure subscription. Make sure you select the correct subscription if you have multiple subscriptions.
  • Resource group: You can create a new resource group or use an existing one. A resource group is a logical container for grouping Azure resources. You can use a resource group to manage, monitor, and delete your resources in a single, unified way.
  • Location: The region where your IoT hub will be created. Choose a location that is nearest to your devices to minimize latency.
  • Pricing and scale tier: Select a pricing and scale tier based on your needs. The “Free” tier is suitable for testing and development, while the other tiers are suitable for production environments.
  • Device-to-cloud partitions: This determines the number of device-to-cloud messages that can be concurrently processed by the IoT hub. The default value is 4, but you can increase it if needed.

Here is an example of a filled out “Create IoT Hub” blade:

Step 4: Create the IoT hub

When you are ready, click the “Create” button to create the IoT hub. It may take a few minutes for the IoT hub to be created.

While the IoT hub is being created, you will see a notification in the top right corner of the portal indicating the deployment is in progress.

When the deployment is complete, you will see a notification in the top right corner of the portal indicating the deployment was successful.

You can also check the status of the deployment by going to the “Notifications” blade in the top right corner of the portal and looking for a notification with the title “Deployment succeeded”.

Step 5: Manage your IoT hub

To manage your IoT hub, go to the “IoT hubs” blade in the Azure portal and click on the IoT hub you just created.

This will open the “IoT Hub” blade for your IoT hub. From here, you can view and manage various aspects of your IoT hub, such as devices, messaging, security, and diagnostics.

That’s it! You have successfully created an IoT hub on Azure. You can now use this IoT hub to connect, monitor, and control your IoT devices.


Creating an IoT hub on Azure is a simple process that involves the following steps:

  1. Go to the Azure portal at
  2. Click on the “Create a resource” button in the top left corner of the portal.
  3. In the search box, type “IoT Hub” and press Enter.
  4. Click on the “IoT Hub” result that appears.
  5. Click the “Create” button.
  6. In the “Create IoT Hub” blade that appears, enter the required information such as the name, subscription, resource group, location, pricing and scale tier, and device-to-cloud partitions.
  7. Click the “Create” button to create the IoT hub.

It may take a few minutes for the IoT hub to be created. When the deployment is complete, you will see a notification in the Azure portal. You can then go to the IoT hub blade to manage your IoT hub.

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